Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I knew this would come...Oy!

What a dilemma! About two years ago I had my hair grown out to the middle of my back and when I came to the realization that it was dead and needed to go, I had it all chopped off.... Now that I have my hair long and HEALTHY this time I am facing something else, boredom. UGH styling the same thing day to day is driving me crazy and the usual changes aren't helping. Bangs, Braids, Flat Irons! NOTHING!! I even colored my almost-blonde ombre to a deep chocolate brown and still..nothing.. So now I have found myself surfing the web for all the current hair trends and ran across the ever-so-beautiful Sofia Black D'Elia! I am dying for her hair...I love everything about it...The length, color, style. What to do? Now that I have long hair I see short and when my hair is short I see long. I'm sure in the upcoming weeks I will make a decision that I'll probably regret..Life story! What are some opinions? Is that cute or what?

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